A SWARM is a cluster of bees that is usually found hanging on a tree branch. Finding one can be quite surprising, but a swarm is usually not dangerous. The best thing to do is to leave them alone. They’re just looking for a new home.

A swarm is likely to move on within a few hours or a few days all by itself. If you have a swarm that you would like removed, call a beekeeper who is local to your area and they’ll probably be happy to pick up the swarm and give them a place to live. Below is a list of beekeepers who might want a swarm. Find one local to you and give them a call!

A CUTOUT is what beekeepers do when bees have moved in to the wall of a building. The wall must be opened and the bees physically removed. Some beekeepers are willing to do cutouts and some are not. Some may charge a fee for a cutout.

If you can do so safely, try to take a picture of the bees so the beekeeper can be sure whether or not they’re honeybees.

If you see a gray paper nest or the ‘bees’ are the color of a yellow highlighter, those are not honeybees. They’re yellowjackets. You can spray them or call an exterminator.

  • Andover Karyn French 440-645-2835
  • Ashtabula Linda Dole 216-469-5694
  • Ashtabula Joshua Simsick 585-307-8277
  • Austinburg Howard Beeman 440-275-3277
  • Conneaut Peter Anthony 440-228-5218
  • Jefferson Anne Hathy 440-563-6538
  • Jefferson Sharon Riccio 440-576-8818
  • Jefferson William Riccio 216-255-6913
  • N. Kingsville Bill Rodgers 440-812-8612
  • Rome Jeff McCarty 330-553-9447
  • Williamsfield Tom Boos 440-645-9318